Rokeby Museum Distance Drawing Course — Week 6: Illustration

In this final installment from Rokeby artist-in-residence Courtney Clinton, she shows us that art can be accessible to all of us. It’s possible for us to unlock our own creativity when we take a systematic approach and let go of our self-doubt.
Book Review: Isabel Wilkerson’s “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent”

“…Wilkerson pries open the lid on this country’s racism and exposes the underlying truth—that from the beginning, America has created a caste society, Whites on the top, those of African descent on the bottom.”
Rokeby Museum Distance Drawing Course — Week 5: Self-Critique

This week, with the help of Allison Gregory, Courtney explores the idea of perspective through the working relationship of Rachael and Gabrielle, a children’s book author. Learn how to look at your work from a different angle, especially when a second set of eyes isn’t possible.
Rokeby Museum Welcomes New Director

We are thrilled to announce that Lindsay Houpt-Varner, PhD, will lead Rokeby as its first full-time director. Lindsay comes to Rokeby after four years at Cumberland County Historical Society in Pennsylvania, where she led initiatives in preservation, heritage, and community engagement with history and the humanities.
Together We Make a Difference

Outgoing director Catherine Brooks reflects on her three years at the helm of Rokeby Museum and shares her thoughts about the Museum’s impact. Stories told and conversations started at Rokeby leave us all with more insight, with more knowledge, and more intent to make the world a better place.
Rokeby Museum Distance Drawing Course — Week 4: From Life

It’s self-portrait week! Building on the “Copying” lesson of week 2, Rokeby Artist in Residence Courtney Clinton will show you how a drawing by a favorite artist can play the role of your teacher and guide you in your drawing process.
The Jagged Edges of Progress

From 1793–1961, the inhabitants of Rokeby lived through points of heightened hopes for African descended people as well as violent backlashes against people of color. This article, in three parts, explores those high and low points as well as the tentacles of that history that reach into the present.
Rokeby Museum Distance Drawing Course — Week 3: Mistakes

Engaging with feedback is a central step in the learning process. It forces us to ask new questions and look at our work from a new perspective. Once we get over our emotional response, knowing what is not working becomes a point of departure and gets us closer to our learning objectives.
Rokeby Museum Distance Drawing Course — Week 2: Copying

In the same way that Rachael learned to work with magazines by emulating her father’s career, she learned art theory by copying the works of accomplished artists. Rachael learned her craft well and there is a lot we can learn about the academic drawing tradition by copying Rachael’s work.
Rokeby Pie and Ice Cream Social News

Has the mention of pie and ice cream in Rokeby’s backyard got you pining for a taste? Sadly, you will have to wait until next summer, when Rokeby hopes to hold this classic event again, in the true spirit of a “Social.” We hope you will join us again for this perennial favorite in the summer of 2021.