Words have power — the opening of Rokeby’s new main exhibition, “Seeking Freedom”

The opening of "Seeking Freedom: The Underground Railroad and the Legacy of an Abolitionist Family"

On May 23, 2024, Rokeby Museum opened a new main exhibition on the Underground Railroad.  Seeking Freedom: The Underground Railroad and the Legacy of an Abolitionist Family explores the history of American enslavement, the antislavery movement, and the Robinson… Read More

Staff & Volunteer Spotlight — Meet Roxanne Glassenberg

Roxanne Glassenberg

Roxanne is a senior at Rock Point School in Burlington, and recently spent time interning at Rokeby. Says Glassenberg, “Working at Rokeby placed me smack dab in the middle of an incredible collection of artifacts from Vermont’s storied past, and each and every one of the artifacts had a story that I got to be a part of.”

Book Review: “Slavery in the North” by Mark Howard Ross

Slavery in the North

“Ross uses the reality of slavery in the North to illustrate the ways by which societies forget their past — whether on purpose or by neglect.” — Rokeby Museum’s Joan Gorman in her review of “Slavery in the North,” by Mark Howard Ross

Rokeby Celebrates Poetry Month

April is Poetry Month and Ruth Farmer, shared a few “Rokeby poems” in this short video. She notes in her presentation, the Robinsons are “exemplars of artists paying attention” and “for me encountering the visuals and the words… Read More

Staff & Volunteer Spotlight — Meet Allison Gregory

Allison Gregory

Blog post two in our Meet our Staff & Volunteers series! Meet Allison Gregory, Rokeby Museum’s Office Administration Manager. Starting her journey at Rokeby as Education & Interpretation Fellow in 2020, Allison is excited to be back in a new role!

Staff & Volunteer Spotlight — Meet Joan Gorman

Joan Gorman

Over the next few months, we’re going to introduce you to our staff and a few volunteers. Joan Gorman is our seasonal Visitor Center Coordinator. In the winter months, she volunteers at Rokeby helping with collections management. In her post, she shares her journey to Rokeby to “begin a new career.”

A Social Justice Primer — “How to Be an Antiracist,” by Ibram X. Kendi

Ibram X. Kendi — How to Be an Antiracist

Book Review: “How to Be an Anti-Racist,” details Kendi’s journey and growing awareness of how racism informs his own life and thoughts. Along the way, he has taught himself how to be an anti-racist, and through his book, he speaks of and to himself as much as to the reader.

“Delightful, Complex, and Real People.”

“Danvis Tales: Selected Stories by Rowland E. Robinson”

Today’s readers will find both enjoyment and discomfort in Rowland Evans Robinson’s writings. Rokeby feels that Vermont poet and R.E.R. editor and enthusiast David Budbill (1940–2016) explores these dichotomies best in his preface to “Danvis Tales: Selected Stories by Rowland E. Robinson.”

Book Review: Isabel Wilkerson’s “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent”

Isabel Wilkerson’s “Caste”

“…Wilkerson pries open the lid on this country’s racism and exposes the underlying truth—that from the beginning, America has created a caste society, Whites on the top, those of African descent on the bottom.”

Together We Make a Difference

Catherine Brooks

Outgoing director Catherine Brooks reflects on her three years at the helm of Rokeby Museum and shares her thoughts about the Museum’s impact. Stories told and conversations started at Rokeby leave us all with more insight, with more knowledge, and more intent to make the world a better place.