Rokeby Museum is open May 25–October 13, 2024. Additional programs and events are being planned for the season. Sign up for our eNewsletter to receive the Museum's news and announcements
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Thank you to @homestead_museum for hosting our volunteers yesterday! We had a fantastic tour of site! #ethanallenhomesteadmuseum #volunteers
Spirits of Rokeby is back with a new production! Ticket holders will gather for a drink and a short talk on Victorian Spiritualism before entering the historic home, where actors will guide them through participatory dramatization, recreating séances based on actual historical transcripts and other historical accounts. Appalachian Gap Distillery is returning this year! Those aged 21 and over can purchase a specialty cocktail before the performance and enjoy it at the program’s start. Tickets at: #spiritsofrokeby #spiritualism #appalachiangapdistillery #vermontevents #fallinvermont #halloweenevents
New storywalk on the Green Trail! 🍂📖🍂 Donald Hall`s award-winning children`s book is a glimpse of rural life in the early-19th century, framed by a farmer’s yearly trip to market to sell his goods and purchase supplies, all brought to life with charming illustrations by Barbara Cooney. Though Ox-Cart Man takes place on a farmstead next door in New Hampshire, the routine and lifestyle depicted would have been very familiar to the Robinsons here at Rokeby. To be a farming family meant to make use of everything you had, from the crops you grew to the livestock you raised, and everyone was expected to chip in and help. Walk the Green Trail and learn how even the youngest family members worked hard to keep the farm producing year-round. Rokeby`s nature trails are free and open to all! #oxcartman #storywalk #raisingreaders #vermonttrails
We had a wonderful lunch today with the Museum`s volunteers. Their dedication is the foundation of so much of what we do at the Museum. #volunteers #museumvolunteer #museum #thankyou
Rokeby Museum will host an evening discussion with author and journalist Scott Shane on his 2023 book Flee North: A Forgotten Hero and the Fight for Freedom in Slavery’s Borderland.
FLEE NORTH unearths the lost story of Thomas Smallwood, born into slavery in Maryland, who bought his freedom, educated himself, and became a shoemaker in Southwest Washington, a short walk from the U.S. Capitol. Smallwood began to organize mass escapes from slavery by the wagonload, with the help of a young white partner, Charles Torrey — and wrote about the escapes in extraordinary satirical dispatches for an abolitionist newspaper in Albany. It was Smallwood, Scott Shane discovered, who gave the underground railroad its name. Smallwood’s daring operation took place against the very dark background of the domestic slave trade, which thrived on Washington’s Mall and at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, shipping thousands of people every year away from their families to the cotton and sugar plantations of the deep south. The book’s third central character, Baltimore’s Hope Slatter, was the era’s dominant slave trader, operating from his private “slave jail” near Baltimore’s harbor.
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