Video: A Virtual Presentation—“This needle work of mine doth tell… Samplers of the Vermont Sampler Initiative”

Presentation on March 25, 2025 by Rokeby volunteer Ellen Thompson, Project Manager. Vermont Sampler Initiative

Thompson introduces us to the young ladies of eighteenth-century Vermont who tell us of their stories in the samplers they stitched. The presentation considers their place in history, their education and how they expressed themselves in their embroidery.


Video: A Virtual Conversation with Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker, Julie Anderson

On February 10, 2025, Julie Anderson, multi-Emmy and Peabody award winner and Academy-nominated Film executive for non-fiction documentaries, talked about her personal experiences in researching, creating, and producing her work. 

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Video: A Virtual Conversation with former Executive Director Lindsay Varner

On January 28, 2025, Lindsay Varner, PhD, former Executive Director of Rokeby Museum, presented a program about the main exhibit, Seeking Freedom: The Underground Railroad and the Legacy of an Abolitionist Family.

Staff & Volunteer Spotlight — Meet Sabrina Kirchner

Sabring Kirchner

By Sabrina Kirchner, Education Intern, Earlham College

Hello, everyone. My name is Sabrina Kirchner. I am a student at Earlham College in Indiana, where I am a Museum Studies major with a History concentration. I have been the intern at Rokeby this summer and have had an incredible experience here. I could probably write a five page essay about my experience, but I will keep this blog post to a brief summary. 

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Uncovering the History of Rokeby’s Textile Collection

Detail of Anna Stevens Robinson’s nightgown from her wedding trousseau, 1870

by Joan Gorman, Rokeby Museum

One of the joys of working with the textile collection here at Rokeby has been connecting the four generations of Robinsons who lived here from 1793 to 1961 with clothing, accessories, and linens used by each and sometimes by all. Looking through these items with an eye to suggesting ones to display in our 2024 exhibit, Artifacts and Anecdotes: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Rokeby Museum, gave me the opportunity to get to know individual family members in ways that merely reading about them could not do.

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