2021 Pie & Ice Cream Social

Sunday, August 15, 2021, 1–4 pm
Admission: FREE
Slice of Pie & Ice Cream: $6
We are very excited to have our community favorite back once again this summer. Join us as we celebrate Summer and a return to in-person gatherings at Rokeby’s Annual Pie & Ice Cream Social. As in previous years, there will be yards and yards of homemade pies along with ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s. The Meatpackers, who performed to rave reviews in 2019, will return to provide live bluegrass while you enjoy your pie! We’ll also have some great gift basket raffles and croquet and badminton on the back lawns.
Admission to Rokeby Museum exhibits, grounds, and Pie & Ice Cream Social is free.
Slice of Pie: $5
Slice of Pie with Ice Cream: $6
Ice Cream: $1
Beverages: $1
Giftbasket Raffle:
1 Ticket: $5
Sleeve of Tickets: $20
Bring your family and friends and spend the afternoon eating pie and reconnecting with the community — a delicious way to support the Museum.
Thank you to our sponsor of this year’s Pie & Ice Cream Social, Pomerleau Real Estate. Their very generous support allows us to offer free admission to the Museum’s exhibits and grounds.
Thank you also for the additional support from: Ben & Jerry’s, COSTCO, Gilfeathers Fine Provisions, Hannaford, King Arthur Baking Company, Shelburne Market, Target, and Rokeby’s many volunteer pie bakers!
We would like to give a special thank you to King Arthur Baking Company, Seventh Generation, Vermont Bookshop, and Vermont Teddy Bear for donating items for our gift basket raffle!
In the News
Rokeby’s pie & ice cream returns this Sunday
Addison County Independent — August 2021